
Illustration d'arrière plan

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  • Illustration de MARKO93

    A native of Seine-Saint-Denis, Marko93 was brought up on the classic exponents of art such as Man-Ray and Picasso, but also on hip hop.  
    Marko93 is an international artist whose travels through India, Morocco, Los Angeles, Rio and Hong Kong have enriched his palette with a myriad of shades.

    A follower of the calligraphy inspired by Hassan Massoudy and an amazing muralist who loves to paint on the most unusual media, such as a Tunisian Boeing, The French Ministry of Culture or the Princess’s Palace at Abu Dhabi - - Marko93 has also produced artwork for the cover of albums for NTM, Mc Solaar or his friend Grand Corps Malade. Leaving his mark on generations of street artists, he has managed to leave a lasting, colour-saturated stamp on his favourite genre.

    See web page
