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Cryo is coming

  • On next 8th April, Spa By Clarins inaugurate is first cryotherapy cubicle. 
    Cryotherapy care consists to cool of the body between -110° and -150° during a few minutes.  Its benefits are recognized in the world of high-level sport, in particular for the recuperation. Today, this benefits are proved for the health and the wellness. 

    For the health
    Its permit of relieve suffering, reduce irritation, relax muscles, favour blood circulation and stimulate immune defenses. 
    For the sport 
    Its permit the optimization of after sport recuperation, intensify your training an relax muscles.

    For the wellness
    Cold act on the ageing process thanks to stimulate collagen production. It strengthens and improved the skin recovery speed, reduces cellulite. Your silhouette is younger and firmer. 
    Cold have an anti-stress effect and impact on the sleep quality. 
    A great effect of wellness is observed in the 3 hours following the session

    For who ? 
    Cryotherapy is used by everyone between 18 to 71 years : men, women, high level or casual athlete who want to guarantee optimal performances, every time. 

    1st discovered session members: 40€/ 1 session: 50€
    5 sessions: 225€ (session unit cost: 45€)
    10 sessions : 425€ (session unit cost : 42,50€)
    20 sessions : 800€ (session unit cost : 40€)

    Reservations: 01 56 07 10 28 or

  • Illustration de l'actualité
