
Illustration d'arrière plan

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  • Illustration de Jace Born in Le Havre in 1973.

    Jace arrives on the Reunion Island where he quickly adapts to the local life. We can feel this insular childhood in his work: a wide color pallet, a joy of life, island’s characteristic humility, a great tolerance towards the next generation, but also a taste for the “Moukate” (teasing).

    He starts to paint in the street in 1989, making his neighborhood abandoned walls his first canvas. In 1992, tired of tagging his name throughout the island, he creates his favorite character: the Gouzou.

    Street art before it became street art. He analyzes how to interact with the support on which he will paint, to communicate with the public. Jace is seen as an alien at that time... Whatever, he will keep doing it, and will be right to. He has since expanded work by branding for over 23 years more than thirty countries with the Gouzou signet. He is still based in the Reunion Island, where he regularly offers his painting to people passing by.

    See web page
