
Illustration d'arrière plan

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  • Illustration de Monsta

    Monsta is a mixed-media artist living and working in Lyon (France).
    After many years spent as a stonemason specialized in handmade cobblestones, Monsta decides to develop his personal projects.
    Through his questionning, he's looking for a way to escape a pretty sad reality, and tries to awaken our inner chillhood as a way-out.
    Monsta takes a gloomy and critical look at our society without forgetting to bring a touch of naivety and derision.
    A contrasting universe appears under his pencil stroke, the imagination of a (lost) child, where games stand alongside death, where monsters are both cute and terrifying and where dreams blend into nightmares.
    He uses different ways to express all these contradictions,  drawing, painting, or sculpture and installation.

    See web page
