
Illustration d'arrière plan

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  • Illustration de MONDE

    Mondé began his career as a graffiti artist in 1999. His taste for illegal graffiti quickly led him to travel far and wide to showcase his work and become known in other places. 

    This ‘moonlighting’ allowed him to absorb the essence of graffiti: the energy of the first stroke and the speed of execution.  
    His graphic research in the studio resumes this idea of the first spurt from the spray can, with no calculations or preparatory drawing, almost randomly, to allow his spontaneous calligraphy to speak for itself.  

    His work is a balanced mix of the full and the empty, the still and the sparkling, a real mystery to unravel.
    For some time, Mondé has also been playing around with volume, presenting a new work of calligraphy on burnt wood, the result of his thoughts on the transformation of matter, the interplay between shadow and light.  

    See web page
